This course prepares & Provides the attendees with a working knowledge of the five addictions and all Compulsive Disorders, The Brain Reward System, Co-Occurring Disorders, Co-Morbidities, Pathophysiology of Addiction, Counseling & Treatment Options, Treatment Models, Interviewing & Intervention Strategies, Reward Deficiency Syndrome, and Toxicology of Addictions.
Addiction is a multi-factorial disease having psychosocial, genetic, spiritual and metabolic components. The most significant mechanism of this disease process is manifest through neuropsychological insult within the Brain Reward Cascade Model known as REWARD DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (RDS) (1).
It is estimated that up to 20% - 30% of our nation's population suffers from the disease of addiction. Since recovery and recovering individuals require total avoidance of all mood altering substances, our graduates can become this nation’s greatest primary intervention resource for America’s leading health care concern.
The medical model or disease concept of addiction establishes the Brain Reward Cascade as the hallmark of compulsive disorders along with the five addictions, which are: Chemical, Food, Work, Sex, and Gambling.
UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE 150 HOUR, 10 MODULE PROGRAM AND EXAMINATION, THE "C.Ad." CERTIFIED ADDICTIONOLOGIST DESIGNATION IS GRANTED AND IN THE 300 HOUR, 20 MODULE PROGRAM, THE "DACACD" DIPLOMATE IS GRANTED. These programs prepare you with the skills required to become this nation’s primary intervention resource in addiction intervention, treatment & management. By developing important new skills and learning the most effective up to date techniques (2), this program will allow the participant to gain the most significant experience available. Therefore we are committed to supporting a diversified and comprehensive broadly based program utilizing both the didactic method and the experiential approach in teaching. This will allow both the "C.Ad." and "DACACD" designates the opportunity to function in hospitals, residential treatment centers, outpatient programs, federal, state and county criminal justice programs, as well as meeting individual needs that may present themselves in their private practice setting. Federal funding and research grants are knocking at the door.
The American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders stands ready to prepare and train you with the knowledge and skill-both academically and clinically - to properly meet the needs of this most devastating phenomenon. Our program is the only recognized international multidisciplinary educational initiative that offers all healthcare and related professionals the highest level in addiction certification available and has been providing Board Certification for 30 years Nationally and Internationally.
Our graduates are accomplishing what yesterday was their vision and today their reality. Many are developing court jurisdiction programs that include the protocols based on our model as well as bringing their expertise into their private practices (3) as well as into many of over 18,000 addiction treatment programs throughout the U.S. and Canada.
(1) Blum, Ken; Braverman, Eric; Holder, Jay; et al: Reward Deficiency Syndrome A Biogenetic Model, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Nov. 2000, Vol 32
(2) Holder, Jay, et al; Molecular Psychiatry, Vol 6, Supplement 1, Feb. 2001, Nature
(3) Discovery Health Channel documentary, "Wiped Out"